Danger may be greater if the abuser...
Has access to the victim's children
Has access to weapons
Has a history of abuse with others
Has threatened to harm or kill if the victim leaves them
Threatens to harm the children, pets or property
Has threatened to kill themselves
Has hit or choked victim
Is going through major life changes (e.g. job, separation, depression)
Is convinced their partner is seeing someone else.
Blames partner for ruining their life
Doesn’t seek support
Watches partner's actions, listens to telephone conversations, sees emails and follows
Has trouble keeping a job
Takes drugs or drinks every day
Has no respect for authority
Danger may be greater if the victim...
Has just separated or is planning to leave
Fears for their life and for children’s safety or the victim cannot see the risk
Is in a custody battle, or has children from a previous relationship
Is involved in another relationship
Has unexplained injuries
Has no access to a phone
Faces other obstacles (e.g. does not speak English, is not yet a legal resident of Canada, lives in a remote area)
Has no friends or family